Friday, August 29, 2008


As many of you know, August 25th (this last Monday) was the first day back to school for the kiddos. The previous morning, I had experienced a terrible anxiety attack that landed me in the hospital. I've been to my anxiety doctor...and medications were adjusted, but nothing seemed to be helping. I had my first meeting with a Naturalistic/Holistic doctor here in Houston (I had been to one in Fort Worth while living there) and was absolutely amazed and excited that God had brought me to that particular office. I had heard many wonderful testimonies from friends, but had yet to experience it for myself. As soon as I walked into the office, I was given a peace (it's such a wonderful's a husband and a wife...and they even have a playroom so their two beautiful children (and one on the way) can be up there with them.) I saw them again today...which is simply an act of our sovereign Lord because it is SO hard to get in there! All of this to say...I have yet to go back to school and my anxiety is not enabling me to do a lot as of now. Dr. Hopkins (the naturalistic doctor) has pin-pointed some problems and has giving me supplements that he thinks will take action very soon. How wonderful that would be! Please be in prayer for Christopher and I as we pray about my teaching career, the anxiety, our finances (the Lord ALWAYS comes through with this!), and patience for both of us. Christopher came home yesterday with two movies and a BEAUTIFUL bunch of white flowers for me! (Many of you know how buying flowers can give Christopher an anxiety attack! ;) (...hey...I have to try and have SOME laughs about this!) meant the world to me. I have an amazing, supportive, loving, and strong husband. :)

I wanted to include some pictures on this entry and realized that I hadn't posted any from when our Sunday School went on it's first excursion to God's Food Pantry! It was a lot of fun...enjoy! :)

Some of us girls (can you tell how early in the morning it was?! No make-up!!)

The boys being...well...the boys!

Sweet Jack!

Where are those Child Labor Laws when you need them?!

Keepin' busy!

You ARE looking at this picture right! Dana is actually on the floor playing with the children! ;)

Keagan...taking stock of the shelves! Cutie patootie!

Busy...busy boys! Don't know what we would have done without their help! :)


DEWS NEWS said...

hey girl...I'm caught up now...with your BLOG post. Made up my own BLOG...I have a cute name (I think!) but nothing CUTE to put in the body of the BLOG. I'm a little down. Been stuck in the apt. for four days now.
But I'll think of a post to put and let you know.
Praying for you as you wait on the Lord in all things!
your loving MIL

nikki said...

katie!!! it is so wonderful to see you...i had never seen your husband- and now, i can picture your full life. i appreciate how you shared about all that is happening with you right now- and i wish you all the best with the new doctors...miss you!!!